? 維氏硬度:最小測試負載應為1.961N
? t=厚度总寒,單位mm
①OM:冷加工和時效處理以獲得最低的抗拉強度扶歪。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the minimum tensile strength.)
②1/4HM:經冷加工和時效處理后,其抗拉強度在OM和1/2HM之間偿乖。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between tem- per grades OM and %HM.)
③1/2HM:經過冷加工和時效處理击罪,可獲得1/4HM和HM之間的抗拉強度哲嘲。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between tem- per grades 1/4HM and HM.)
④HM:經冷加工和時效處理滨胰,獲得1/2HM和EHM之間的抗拉強度崭夺。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between temper grades 1/2HM and EHM.)
⑤EHM:經冷加工和時效處理后,其抗拉強度達到HM級和XHM級之間感栋。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between tem- per grades HM and XHM.)
⑥XHM:經過冷加工和時效處理史代,可獲得介于EHM和XHMS之間的抗拉強度。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between tem- per grades EHM and XHMS.)
⑦XHMS:經過冷加工和時效處理姥仍,可獲得介于EHM和XHMS之間的抗拉強度乐玛。(cold-worked and age-treated to gain the tensile strength between tem- per grades EHM and XHMS.)